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Best Sellers
600HP High Pressure Snap-In Valve 1.25" Qty/1[VH600HP] [$0.53]
T-13-WZ Snap-In Tire Valve 1.25" Qty/1[DIT13WZ] [$0.32]
8807N-4 Large Bore Valve Adaptor [HA8807N4] [$3.00]
632 Valve Cap Nickel Plated Brass Qty/1[DI632] [$0.38]
DS-1 Dual Seal Valve Cap [HADS1] [$1.23]
TV-401 Tank Valve[HATV401] [$3.06]
CBEX6 Balancing Beads Drop-In 6oz. Qty/1[CBEX6] [$8.15]
645L6 Tank Valve[SC645L6] [$5.84]
6541-N Valve Extension[DI6541N] [$1.20]
T-12-R Snap-In Tire Valve Qty/1[DIT12WZ] [$0.44]
Minder Research, Inc.

Minder Research Inc. offers a full line of Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS,) Tire Gauges, Wired and Wireless Temperature Monitors for the Home, Indoor and Outdoor Weather Stations, Home Security Light Timers, Flameless Tea lights, Night Lights and Motion & Safety Lights.